10 Fruits for a More Attractive, Slimmer You, Here are 10 fruits that you can consider taking on a regular basis for a slimmer and more attractive figure.
Pineapple is native to southern Brazil and Paraguay. Not only does this fruit taste great (even on pizza!), it has a lot of benefits for your body. Pineapple contains a lot of enzyme bromelain and the Vitamin C, an antioxidant. These things are vital in keeping your body healthy.
Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi fruit has an odd name, but it's actually a pretty miraculous little fruit. It has more Vitamin C than oranges and more fiber than apples. More Vitamin C means more antioxidants which means healthier cells and a healthier you.
Another fruit with a weird sounding name, but this is one of the healthiest fruits out there. Guava has a lot of Vitamin C, but it also has a lot of calcium. Guava is one of the few fruits that have calcium.
This is a classic, stand by fruit, but it's one that's healthy for you. Watermelon is low in calories and has a lot of Vitamin C.
Apricots carry Vitamin C like most other fruits, but they're also a great source of fiber - something most people don't get enough of in their diet. While eating fresh fruit with the skin is always best, dried apricots make a great snack.
It doesn't get any more common than this. There's a reason the old saying "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples are high in fiber and also contains a lot of Vitamins. With a wide variety of apples available, this is something that should be in your daily diet.
Cranberries are something you should have in your diet more than once a year at Thanksgiving. They help with your bowels and urinary tract, leading to a healthier you.
Adding a banana to your cereal in the morning is an easy way to increase the amount of potassium you're getting. Maintaining enough potassium in your diet is something that will help with your battle to stay healthy.
Blueberries, while sometimes tart, are a great, low calorie fruit to add to your diet. In studies, blueberries were found to have the most antioxidants to fight free radicals and keep your body's cells in top shape.
Rasberries taste great and are very high in Vitamin C, manganese and fiber. While expensive to buy when out of season, they're a great way to help keep your body young and fit.
While these ten fruits are a great way to keep yourself healthy and slim, there are a lot of other types of fruit out there. Don't limit yourself to just the same fruit over and over again. Experiment a little with different fruit, but make sure you make it an important part of your daily diet.
Source : articlesbase
Posted By Get News to Elisa Shop on 12/02/2008 11:46:00 PM
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