I.Restaurant Manager
Requirement :
* A graduate of F & B / Restaurant Management.
* Male or female, max 35 years of age
* Minimum of 3 (three) years in supervisory or management roles in International Quality Restaurant.
* Self starter , knowledge and skillful in planning, budgeting international restaurant operations as well as supervising and controlling their execution.
* Possessing leadership skills.
* Able to train and supervise up to 35 restaurant staff in all aspects of the operations
* Ability to hard work and long hours.
* Good English and communication skills.
* Friendly, good attitude and attractive.
II. Public Relation Manager
Requirement :
* Female age 30 years old.
* Bachelor's degree majoring Comunication.
* Min. 3 years in Marketing or Public Relation.
* Multi-tasking oriented with high learning capacity.
* Fluent in English both oral & written.
* Have a good appearance & pleasant personality.
* Able to work under target pressure and flexibility of work hours.
Please send your Application complete with CV, Photograph, and ID Card to :
PT. Sumatera Synergy Indonesia
Jl. Dempo luar No 426 C
Palembang 30124
South Sumatera - INDONESIA
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