Mystery mobile phone pops up online, makes people go 'Er, what?'
A mystery mobile phone's popped up over the weekend in various places, and it seems to be causing a storm of 'Eh, what?' round the whole of t'internet (well, that bit of it that gives a monkey's about mobile phones), according to Engadget Mobile. And nobody knows what it is.
From the piccie, though, we can tell a few things about this mystery mobile phone…
First, it's got a full QWERTY keyboard, and what looks like the optical mouse pad on a laptop below that, complete with left and right mouse buttons. That says smartphone. Well, actually, that says mini-laptop, so chances are it's reasonably powerful. Second, it has a front-mounted camera, so it's most likely at least 3G, and probably, these days, HSDPA. So, it should be able to compete with the big boys in the mobile phones world, when it comes to internet access. Combine that with the qwerty keyboard, and it should rock.
Finally, its screen is vast. Proper vast, as in comparable to the iPhone or HTC Touch HD type vast. And judging by the number of fingerprints on the screen, I'm guessing it's a touchscreen mobile phone. So, it could be powerful, it could be a top-end smartphone, and it could have a touchscreen.
There's a downside, however:
It's ghastly. I mean, really, just look at it. I don't care what mobile phone it is, as it stands at the minute, in Essex-Boy XR3i white, I really don't like the look of it. Maybe the final version of whatever mobile phone it is will look better but for now, it has all the charm and grace of a Citroen Saxo with a home-made body-kit glued to it.
Posted By Get News to Elisa Shop on 12/13/2008 07:38:00 AM
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